Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Look what I got for Christmas!

Emmie bought Denver a seat for Christmas & he can sit up in it!!! We had a very enjoyable holiday with the little (quickly getting big) man!

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Monday, December 24, 2007

Santa's little helper

Denver had a busy night as Santa's helper...Merry Christmas!!!

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Official Mistletoe Tester...

We have really been enjoying the holidays with Denver! He is growing up so fast - it amazes Erin & I how much he changes every day!

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Great Grandma was very kind to Denver for Christmas, sending him lots of clothes, including this outfit! Thank you, Great Grandma!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Headed Home

We finished a great weekend with dinner at Emmie & Pop's, & are now headed home for the night to start another week.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Future Mr. Right!

Last night Denver slept from 9PM until 5:30AM in his own bed without waking up a single time!!!

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Happy baby...

Denver has been a great baby!!! He's been sleeping in his own bed for over a week now & doing great. He wakes up occasionally throughout the night, but a quick tummy rub later & he's fast asleep. Here he is laughing & playing with his mom!

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Look What Pop's Bought Me!

Denver stayed with Pops & Emmie this evening while we had Erin's club party at the house. When we picked him up, fully expecting to see him in his PJs, Pops had bought him his very first camo outfit!

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Got my jammies on...

All ready for bed, but Denver's ready to play! Check out the ring in his hand - he wouldn't let it go!

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Getting ready for bed...

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My first day of work!

Denver went to work today with his Pops & Emmie...in this picture, he's sitting with his Uncle Dustin learing the duties of a Sales Manager (although I'm not quite sure how much work is actually being done...).

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

I love my mommy

We had another great day with Denver! The day began helping Dustin move into his new house. Later, Denver was certainly excited that his LSU Tigers were selected for the BCS National Championship game even though his New Orleans Saints lost a 4th quarter lead to drop further out of the playoff race. As the weekend draws to a close, Erin & Denver unwind here before bed.

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Fat & happy...

Just hanging out, watching GameDay Final to see what they are going to say about my Tigers!!!

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